miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

[Genealogia SLP] 1348 Volume 12 General Teran marriage book online http://home.earthlink.net/~genteran/gtmv12.pdf

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From: Crispin Rendon <crispin.rendon@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/12/6



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Find a link below to yet another online book.


Families of General Teran, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Volume Twelve (1864-1871)


Marriage and family information on the 324 marriage records found for Nuestra Senora de la Soledad parish church in General Teran for the years of 1864-1871.

The focus in this twelfth volume is on the descendants of the grooms. Besides presenting any descendants found for the marriages that occurred during this period and in General Teran, any descendants found from previous or subsequent marriages in whatever town are also presented.


The church records used as a primary source for this book are available as digital images to view, print or download for free at http://www.familysearch.org/ in the Mexican Church Records browse image collection for General Teran. The marriages for this volume are found on images 111-171 in the 1855-1882-film collection.


The index is found on page 204.


Also found in this volume is a records inspection report.

I would like to thank Viola Rodriguez Sadler for the transcription of the records inspection by the bishop of Linares found on image 149 (on page 126 of this volume).

 I would like to thank Larry Kirkpatrick for the book cover design.

 Crispin Rendon

3430 Bahia Place

Riverside, CA 92507

December 1, 2011


Families of General Teran, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume Twelve (1864-1871)


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