sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

[Genealogia SLP] 2058 Somos Primos February 2013 (revista Genealogica) http://www.somosprimos.com/sp2013/spfeb13/spfeb13.htm

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Dear Primos and Friends:
Hope that you are all dealing well with the changes that are sweeping across the country. It is comforting to see much effort and many moves towards bi-partisan solutions.

Under the United States you will see a beautiful painting "Mending the Nation" by John McNaughton answering what will it take to mend and rebuild America?
Each family member featured in the painting represents a different value: courage, family, hope, faith, and love. McNaughton says those five are the keys to rebuilding America: "Each value is required to make it work. Remove one and the whole system fails."
God bless our country, Mimi

Painting: Mending the Nation by John McNaughton
PBS Series"Latino Americans, Six-Hour Documentary Features, Premieres Fall 2013
SAVE THE DATE: NCLR National Conference, July 20-23, New Orleans, LA
American History: Moving Map: "Growth of a Nation"
Song: "God Bless America"
Changing Process of Awarding Highest Medal
Hispanic Breaking Barriers by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Tony Santiago Receives Recognition from the Wikimedia Foundation
Robert Renteria to Receive Two Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Awards
11 States Now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!
Distribution of Foreign Aid is Very Complicated
US Companies Layoffs and Closings, & Layoffs, Dec 28 thru Jan 7

Something of historic proportions is happening.
Wal-Mart Business Know How

The Note by Wanda Garcia
An Illustrative Past: E is for Entertainment, Education and Eddie
Hispanic Medal of Honor Society's 50 foot exhibit at LULAC National Conference,
Las Vegas June 21-23
As Sundance Kicks Off, Gael Garcia Bernal Stands Up for the Undocumented


CAIR chief claims Muslims discovered America first

California Birthday Project: An Update from the Past by Galal Kernahan

Legendary Attorney Arturo C. González Passes Away at 104 Years Old
Notable Latinos and Latin Americans who Died in 2012 by Angelo Falcón


Map: Range of US aid being countries
Video: Non-partisan Explaining US Fiscal Problems
Youtube: Great Britain" On Gun Control
Areas of Cartel Influence in Mexico
Firearms Protection Act
Rebellion by Charlie Lyon, January 14, 2013
A Little Gun History to Learn From

Extracts: Braceros No More by Devon G. Peña, Ph.D.
A 2007 report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),
2013 NHBWA Educational Scholarship application window is now open!
NHBWA offering Students free membership
Javier Palomarez named by BBC as one of "Ten Latinos Who Made History in 2012"

Long Term Results of Criminalization of Marijuana on the Latino Community
Have you heard of a Medical Excise Tax?
Hospital Medicare admittance has just changed

Illustration: Mr. President Pass the Dream Act

Cartoon: Cholo Samurai, the ultimate fighter
Rita Hayworth at her dancing best
New Committee Will Review Kennedy Center Honors Selection Process

Libros para Latinos
The 2013 International Latino Book Awards by Annie Perez
Latino Children Seldom See Themselves In Books Written For Young Readers
Update of Somos en escrito Magazine for Nov.-Dec. 2012
Myths and Facts about South Texas Spanish by Dr. Lino García, Jr.
The Magic of Javier Marías By Marcia Facundo
Top Ten Best Books by Latino Authors in 2012


Boy, a Burrito, and a Cookie, From Janitor to Executive by Richard Montanez.
Mexican American Colonization during the 19th Century by Jose Angel Hernandez
Reyna Grande, National Book Critics Circle Award nominees
Bad Indians, a Tribal Memoir by Deborah A. Miranda
Postcards from the Río Bravo Border: Picturing the Place, Placing the Picture,
1900s-1950s by Daniel D. Arreola

So much better than a "MUSEUM'
Evolution of Foreign Language Instruction
Walmart Stores Inc, plans to hire more than 100,000 veterans
Honra a Nuestros Caídos/ Honoring our latest 36 Fallen Heroes
HenryGerlach Bazurto by Mercy Bautista Olvera
Grant County 's last survivor of World War II's Bataan Death March laid to rest.

Jesse O. Villarreal, Sr. Receives 2012 Presidio La Bahia Book Award
February 2, 2013 2-4 p.m. Presidio La Bahia, Goliad, Texas
Donativo List Found for Presidio La Bahia
Texas Before the Alamo: Domingo Ramon Entrada to Texas
Nearly a century after death, Civil War soldier's grave dedicated
Book: Gallant Creoles by Michael Marshall
The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control


La Familia Tobón Gónima y sus dscendientes - 2013
The Medieval Families Unit worked in the old Ancestral File

My father, George De La Garza, marks his 80th birthday, by Alejandro De La Garza
Oscar's Ecuadorian Sojourn is just about over, by grandfather Ernesto Uribe
Twinkies vs pan dulce Mike Acosta

Notarial records: Adding cultural context to your family tree
by Debbie Gurtler (English) and Sonia Meza Morales (Spanish)
March 21-23, Rootstech Conference, Salt Lake City,
Free Interactive Pedigree Chart
More Peruvian records added to Family Search Database
Free Family History and Genealogy Records

Feb 23: New Mexico DNA and Iberian Peninsula DNA Projects
Research solves 220 year mystery of Louis XVI

Sat Feb 9th: John Palacio, Searching Newspapers for Family Research, SHHAR
Santa Ana Canyon Work Crew by Cris Villasenor
Sat, March 2, 2013: All Day Genealogy Event at Huntington Beach Central Library
Boyle Heights: Arte Vida y Amor
Best Indescribable Wall Art - Best of Los Angeles, George Yepes
Googie Style, Reflections on a Southern California Style
And the Annex Presents,The Love Show: Hearts & Flowers, by Nancy Romero
Los Angeles Conservancy
A Bit of Downtown History: Tour of the Subway Terminal Area by Tom Wetzel
March 21st: La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes present The City of Dreams Tribute Dinner

Stepping Stones Through Genealogy by Sylvia Contreras - Part 2
February 21-23rd California Historian Symposium
March 16: San Diego Opera presents: Cruzar la Cara de la Luna
Huell Howser, KCET's California Gold passed away January 7, 2013.
Historic Artifact Stolen from the Oakland Museum of California

Photo: Japanese family returns home from a relocation center camp in Hunt, Idaho
Reno Magazine

Making a Life, But Not a Living by David Bacon, Oxnard, CA

From The Barrio Foundation
Le Comité des Archives de la Louisiane
'Gun Culture' -- What About the 'Fatherless Culture'? Larry Elder

Social activist honored at State History Museum By Mary Jo Galindo, Ph.D.
Here are some little known, very interesting facts about Texas
Gutiérrez de Lara brought Texas its first taste of independence
By José Antonio López
Heaven and Earth, Mexican American Cultural Center

Mexico is becoming a Brazil-beater
Mexican Drug Gangs Dig into Mining Industry by John Holman
Nuevo León: Causas Criminales 1600 a 1900
Arts of Colonial Arts - The Lost of Retablo of Mérida Cathedral
Un Blog de Burgos
Research of Tte. Corl. Intdte. Ret. Ricardo Raúl Palmerín Cordero:
Matrimonio de Don Juan José Castellano y Doña María Paula Ecay Muzquiz.
Libros de Bautismos y de Matrimonios de la Villa d Muzquiz, Coah.
Don Andres Antonio de la Mata y Cos, Ancestros de la Villa de Santiago del Saltillo
Algunos Personjaes Importante Radicados en la Ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco
by Guillermo Padilla Origel
Research by Papa del Pato
Marcomir, Rey de los Francos
Eusebio Espetillo
Todos Los Gobernantes de Mexico desde Los Aztecas
Photo: Nevada, about 1868
Native American One
Sacred River Depleting Water Sources in Sonora
New York Native American Saint canonized October 21, 2012
Israeli Archaeologists Find Rare Ancient Jewelry

Endangered: Jewish Genius
The Unbearable Silence about the Jewish Refugees by Michael Curtis
California Hebrew Catholic Speaks Up
Doña Gracia Nasi and her Significance for Jewish History by Andre Aelion Brooks
Black Latino Connection by Mimi Lozano
Negrita Documentary, the Afro-Latina Experience

March 30th 2013: V-Centennial Florida/USA Discovery Magna Gala
Muslim Day Parade in NYC.

Puerto Rican citizenship and American Citizenship by Tony Santiago
End 2d Class US Citizenship; Puerto Rico's Un-Democratic Status
Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Alliance kicks off National Campaign
2d Class Citizenship; Puerto Rico's Un-Democratic Status by Dennis O. Freytes

Relating to the History of the United States in the Archivo General de Indias

Argentinean Network, Magazine started in 2012
Shameful Legacy of the Monroe Doctrine, by Conn Hallinan

Miss Philippines Janine Tugonon
The Internet by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
En 1945, Se estrena 'Los últimos de Filipinas'
Ancient World, Philippines

TV serial on Isabel to Broadcast in Spain
"Sir" Francis Drake by Angel Custodio Rebollo
Plaza de la Soledad by Angel Custodio Rebollo
Los mapas de Piris-Reis by Angel Custodio Rebollo
Book: A Guidebook to the Regional Military Museum of the Canary Islands.
Book: El Plan de las Afortunadas Islas de Canarias y La Isla de San Borondon
Lessons from Nigeria and Spain
Automatic Citizenship Offered to Jews of Sephardic Descent

Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante
Lanzamiento en internet de la WDL, la Biblioteca Digital Mundial
2012 a dark year for religious freedom, by Gary Bauer

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