lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

[Genealogia SLP] 2589 Fwd: Posible SPAM BillionGraves iOS app now available in 25 languages!

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BillionGraves iOS App Now Available in 25 Languages!

Hey BillionGravers,

Last month we announced our international collaboration with MyHeritage to make BillionGraves available to every person in the world. Today we are happy to announce the release of our BillionGraves app in the iTunes markets in 25 languages!

That's right, the BillionGraves app is now available in 25 languages!! For those of you who have always wondered what the BG app looked like in Dutch, or Hebrew; well, now you'll be able to find out!

In this release there are also several bug fixes as well as enhancements to the on-device transcription features including handling of Hebrew dates.

The launch of the iOS app is only the first of many enhancements that will be coming very soon to BillionGraves. Some of these enhancement include the website and Android app available in 25 languages as well.  Follow us on Facebook HERE to keep up to date with the latest news about new features!

Get the new BillionGraves app on iTunes NOW!

app-store-badgeiOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 21, 2014, 10.48.04 AM


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(desde mi Blackberry )
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar

Celular Monterrey 811+513+8354 (from USA 01152+181+1513 8354)
Celular desde Otras Ciudades de Mexico : 045 81 1513 8354

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"
Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar”.
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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