sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

[Genealogia SLP] 1714 Fwd: Posible SPAM mtDNA Reports

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From: Crispin Rendon <crispin.rendon@gmail.com>

I have posted three more reports from my Top 20 list.  See the links below. There you will also find a links to the whole Top 20 list and how it came about. I think this Top 20 list is wonderful. I do not know of anyone else that is doing anything like it.  The standard goal of mtDNA testing is to learn about your mtDNA line. It reaches back to only one "end of the line ancestor". My Top 20 list has 12 of my end of the lines ancestors and my goal is to get test results for all of them. I cannot do that by just testing myself. I have to identify 12 people who have the answers I need for the test results I want. My Top 20 list comes from my large genealogy database.  It currently has over 254,000 records. Most of the individuals in my database are linked to each other. I have been creating Ancestor books for most of the hundreds of people in my email genealogy address book. I only create Ancestor books for people in my database. This project is about more than providing answers about my ancestors; it is about providing mtDNA answers to hundreds of my readers. Take Maria Ines Rodriguez (Rank 1 in my Top 20 list) for example. She has some 91,000 descendants in my records. Almost everyone in my genealogy address book has her as his or her ancestor.  Thanks to my Top 20 list we all know about her mtDNA test results.


We know her mtDNA test results because of rule one of mtDNA transmission; MtDNA is passed from generation to generation unchanged (except in rare mutations) only by females. This is why I produce the "Female mtDNA Descendants Reports".  All of the people in the report carry identical mtDNA because they must follow rule one of mtDNA transmission. If we test any one of the females in a group then be know the mtDNA test results for all of the females in that group. The females in the report are there because of a genealogy paper trail.



Andrea Rodriguez MtDNA Report



Maria Gonzalez MtDNA Report



Ana Maria Avila MtDNA Report



2012 MtDNA Report




Best Regards,

Crispin Rendon

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