miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

[Genealogia SLP] 2036 BillionGraves Acquired by Otter Creek Holdings

BillionGraves Acquired by Otter Creek Holdings

The following News Release is from I-Newswire.com:


Otter Creek Holdings, L.L.C., is proud to announce its recent acquisition of BillionGraves, a technology-based genealogical research company.

Ogden (I-Newswire) January 16, 2013 – Since its inception almost two years ago, BillionGraves has become an internationally recognized company for its contributions to the genealogical community. Otter Creek Holdings plans to introduce new technology and perpetuate BillionGraves' continual goal to preserve the valuable historical data found on headstones worldwide. Otter Creek Holdings' acquisition of BillionGraves will allow BillionGraves to provide the necessary user support as well as meet the demands of an ever increasing database.

BillionGraves is a free website and mobile app for iOS and Android devices that captures and records images of headstones and their GPS locations simultaneously. These records are then made available to the public for genealogical research and preservation purposes.

BillionGraves users participate by taking pictures of headstones through the mobile app and uploading them to the BillionGraves website. Users then transcribe these images on the website to make them searchable to researchers and genealogists worldwide. Already, BillionGraves has cemetery records on every continent and those records are increasing every day.


(desde mi Blackberry )
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar

Email: samuelsanchez@genealogia.org.mx
Website:  http://www.Genealogia.org.mx
Office (81) 8393 0011         Cellphone 811+513+8354  Skype: Genealogia.org.mx

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"
Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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