Dear Family, Friends and Somos Primos readers:
This issue completes 14 years of publishing monthly issues of Somos Primos. With the primary mission of supporting family history research, I have attempted to include the diverse range of political sentiments among Latinos communities in the United States, to unite us in our heritage. I have tried to support those involved in education and cultural activities, and above all to encourage and demonstrate the Spanish historic presence, and contributions, in the founding and development of the United States.
Now going into Somos Primos 15th year, much of the categories of information that I have been including in Somos Primos is being offered on literally thousands of websites. However, what is still not in great abundance are our personal stories. Thankfully there are increasing numbers of oral histories projects, mostly associated with a university or public library, plus personal blogs, and social networking sites that are resulting in a new type of personal journal.
What I would like Somos Primos to be, is a free service for Hispanics/Latinos to share personal and family history articles. You may feel that y our memories do not matter, that it is too complicated to set up a blog or website to share your few stories, but your memories do matter. Your memories have shaped your thoughts and affect how you interact in a continually changing world. Together we are all creating history. Somos Primos will be a free site for you to share yours.
Scattered in the December you will read many memories of Christmas. I am very, very thankful to those that kindly responded to my request to share a special Christmas memory. and those that continue to send items of interest. Their contributions are gifts to all of us.
Let me invite each of you to consider writing an article for the January issue of Somos Primos on memories of based on a new beginnings for you, changes, such as graduating, moving to a new location, getting married, new baby, new school, new job, new friend, having to start anew because of an accident, new church, new pet, death in the family, new recreation, new car. We all have forks in the road, some were just happenstance, some were intentional decisions. It would be a new kind of gift for your family. Write it as a Christmas gift for your family, and share it with Somos Primos readers. What happened, and why it mattered to you?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Cuento: Los Pastores, The Shepherd's Nativity Play by Hon.Fredrick P. Aguirre
Cuento: Is There a Santa Claus? by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Hispanics Breaking Barriers, 3rd Vol. 4th Issue by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Cuento: War of the Worlds, October 30th, 1938 by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: Japanese and the California Coast During WW II by Mimi Lozano
Judge Raquel Marquez-Britsch, A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Cuento: My father, Marcelino R. Bautista, my Hero by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
NPS to Establish New National Historical Park to Honor César Chávez
Three-Fourths of Hispanic Say Their Community Needs a Leader
Latina Champions in Congress, Latina Style Magazine
Highlighting Hispanic Contributions to America by Lino Garcia, Jr. Ph.D.
The Twenty-Seventh Annual NCLR Capital Awards, March 4, 2014
July 19-22: National Council of La Raza 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles
Houston Civil Rights Icon, Leonel Castillo, Dies at 74 (1939-2013)
Jesús "Tato" Laviera, legendary nuyorican poetic giant, dies at 63
Jose Montoya's Sacred Release
Ray Suarez's shocking departure from PBS
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew by Ben Stein
Can students be barred from wearing patriotic clothes?
US Army defines Christian ministry as 'domestic hate group'
Strangers in a strange land by Devon G. Peña
Next Steps for the American Latino Museum
Federalist Paper #46, by James Madison: How to Take Action Against Your Government
How the Spanish Deaf Taught Others to Express Themselves by Mariana Correa
Programs of the Odyssey Projects
Feria Cardenas/ Feria Educativa Draws 130,000 in Attendance
How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
The joy of dance around the world
Latinopia Art Aztlan Art Show
Amalia Mendoza Y Jose Alfredo Jimenez - desolacion
Cielito Lindo
Newspaper Tree . . a Conversation with Juan Sandoval
SURNAMES: Moctezuma's Descendants
Mexico DNA Project, the Sephardic Connection, by Gary Felix
Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe by Michael Balter
Wobblies in San Pedro by Arthur A. Almeida
Latino Print Network
Cinco Puntos Press, Celebrating 25 years of great books for Children
Authors on the Airwaves: Victor Villaseñor
Latina Style Magazine, Our Past, Our Present
The Roots of Latino Urban Agency, Edited by Sharon A. Navarro & Rodolfo Rosales
The Scalpel and the Silver Bear by Dr. Lori Alvord
Website focuses on Latinos in the U.S. military
Wikipedia editor profile: "Tony the Marine" Santiago
HIstory: Marines Look Back Across the Generations
WW II Hero: Eugene Arnold Obregon
Exile is not a Fitting Reward for Veterans by Wanda Garcia
Cuento: Christmas 1966, Vietnam by Joe Sanchez
Profile in Courage: An Interview with Medal of Honor Recipient Alfred Rascon
Medal of Honor Recipient Alfred Rascon & Rick Leal, the Hero Project
Veteran Artist Program, by Leroy Martinez
Texas A&M-San Antonio Chapter of the Texas Connection to the American Revolution Assn
25th annual Juan N. Seguin celebration in Seguin, Texas Seguin-Guadalupe County Coliseum
The 200th Anniversary of the "Battle of Medina"
November 2013 Newsletter of the Houston Chapter of the Granaderos Y Damas De GalvezFAMILY HISTORY
MyHeritage and FamilySearch enter significant strategic partnership
Early Hollywood Drawn to Orange County by Fermin Leal
Report of SHHAR November 9th meeting on Organizing Photos
Los Alamitos Lawman, Juan Orozco gunned Down and Forgotten, Phil Brigandi
Extract from: A library of many moments by Fermin Leal
Extract: Santora arts building changes hands in Santa Ana
Inter-cultural Marriage Discussion Arises from Somos Primos November issue
Cuento: 1937 Christmas in Los Angeles, and the Yale Puppeteers by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: The Mystery and Magic of Christmas 1960, Flintridge, California
Troubled Waters No More: Echo Park Lake Reopens
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
Cuento: The Adventure of Christmas in the Snow by Audrey Mills
Cuento: Christmas for the Homeless in Stockton by Dena Chapa Rupert
Seeking Descendants of delegates to the 1849 Monterey, Galal Kernahan
Cuento: 1959 Christmas in Richland, Washington by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: 1930s Christmas Story in Flagstaff, Arizona by J. V. Martinez
Historical Novel: Part 2: My Days as a Colonist/Soldier with Don Juan de Onate
Cuento: Christmas Memories by Lila Guzman, Ph.D.
Cuento: Lesson I Learned from Mama in the Front Pew by Delia Gonzalez Huffman
Dec 21, 2013: Christmas in Old St. Augustine
Florida Living History, Inc.
Roger Baudier's The Catholic Church in Louisiana
Laughing at Dead, Omaha, Nebraska
Cuento: 1920s, Christmas in Old South Texas, by José Antonio López
Cuento: 1940s, Robstown, Texas Christmas, by Viola Rodriguez Sadler
Cuento: 1948, The Americano who would be Santa, by Tomas 'Tom' Saenz
Cuento: 1953, Mrs. Reed's Christmas Tree by José Antonio López
Cuento: 1954, When Santa Came to Visit, by Bernadette Inclan
Cuento: 1990s Christmas, by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Garcia/Longoria families of La Grulla, seeking primos
Texas A&M University-San Antonio has established a TCARA History ChapterMEXICO
Cuento: 1901 Missionary among the Mexican People in the Center of the Republic of Mexico
Cuento: 1949, Traditions of Celebrating Christmas in Mexico by Mercy Bautista Olvera
Cuento: 1966, Posada Crasher by Sylvia Contreras
Our Lady of Guadalupe by Albert V. Vela, Ph.D.
Bautismo: Maria de la Soledad, Josefa, Concepción, Agustina, Fabiana, Sebastiana, Sobre Arias y Velazquez.
Stio y Batalla de Monterrey de 1846
General de Brigada Don José Joaquín de Herrera y Ricardos y de su esposa Doña María Dolores Alzugaray y Terán
Bautismo de Eugenio María Florentino Agustín de Ycaza e Yturbe
Bautismo de José, Maria Trinidad, Ygnacio, Norberto Ortiz Monasterio
Bautismo de Daniel, Jose, Segundo O'Ryan y Payno
Cuento: A Comanche in our Plata Family by Gloria Candelaria
Native community holds ceremony for rare white moose killed by hunters
The Death and the Burial of Little Sister Genoveva, Midwife of the Tapirape People
Texas Mexican Secret Spanish Jews Today By Anne deSola Cardoza
The Jewish Roots of the Nobility of Europe
400th Yartzheit of Luis Carvajal, el mozo, Joseph Lumbroso
Got Proof! Update by Michael Henderson
No More a Slave by Kevin M. Clermont
Juan Latino, the only black scholar of medieval Europe
New Exhibit in the Eyes of Explorers, Diocese of St. Augustine
Manhattan to honor of Puerto Rican artist Rafael Tufiño
Hundreds will protest Islam lovefest history textbook foisted on high school students
Philadelphia 65th Infantry Honor Ceremony
The History of Women in Puerto Rico, Part 2 by Tony Santiago
Denationalizing Dominicans of Haitian Ancestry? Santo Domingo's Anti-Dominican Authorities
Brazilian President Wants To Reserve 20 Percent Of Government Job For Blacks
Boletín de Genealogias Colombíanas
The Death and the Burial of Little Sister Genoveva, Midwife of the Tapirape People
Acciones artista peruano ¿Por Preservación de la Cultura
Municipal Workers Accidentally Stumble Upon Ancient Tomb in Medellin, Colombia
Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) That Hit the Philippines y Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Cuento: Account of Typhoon Yolanda, by LDS Missionary Elder Justin Call
Doctor Santiago de Vera, llego en Manila en 1584 por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Los Principes viajan a EEUU para estrechar lazos desde una España que avanza
Britos in Spain by Marie Brito
Reenvio correo sobre nuevas digitalizaciones en Tarragona
The 'Real Junta General de Comercio', forerunner of modern Patent Offices
Cuento: A Memorable Christmas Time 1980,Traveling in Egypt and Israel,
by Jose M. Pena
Dear Family, Friends and Somos Primos readers:
This issue completes 14 years of publishing monthly issues of Somos Primos. With the primary mission of supporting family history research, I have attempted to include the diverse range of political sentiments among Latinos communities in the United States, to unite us in our heritage. I have tried to support those involved in education and cultural activities, and above all to encourage and demonstrate the Spanish historic presence, and contributions, in the founding and development of the United States.
Now going into Somos Primos 15th year, much of the categories of information that I have been including in Somos Primos is being offered on literally thousands of websites. However, what is still not in great abundance are our personal stories. Thankfully there are increasing numbers of oral histories projects, mostly associated with a university or public library, plus personal blogs, and social networking sites that are resulting in a new type of personal journal.
What I would like Somos Primos to be, is a free service for Hispanics/Latinos to share personal and family history articles. You may feel that y our memories do not matter, that it is too complicated to set up a blog or website to share your few stories, but your memories do matter. Your memories have shaped your thoughts and affect how you interact in a continually changing world. Together we are all creating history. Somos Primos will be a free site for you to share yours.
Scattered in the December you will read many memories of Christmas. I am very, very thankful to those that kindly responded to my request to share a special Christmas memory. and those that continue to send items of interest. Their contributions are gifts to all of us.
Let me invite each of you to consider writing an article for the January issue of Somos Primos on memories of based on a new beginnings for you, changes, such as graduating, moving to a new location, getting married, new baby, new school, new job, new friend, having to start anew because of an accident, new church, new pet, death in the family, new recreation, new car. We all have forks in the road, some were just happenstance, some were intentional decisions. It would be a new kind of gift for your family. Write it as a Christmas gift for your family, and share it with Somos Primos readers. What happened, and why it mattered to you?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Cuento: Los Pastores, The Shepherd's Nativity Play by Hon.Fredrick P. Aguirre
Cuento: Is There a Santa Claus? by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Hispanics Breaking Barriers, 3rd Vol. 4th Issue by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Cuento: War of the Worlds, October 30th, 1938 by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: Japanese and the California Coast During WW II by Mimi Lozano
Judge Raquel Marquez-Britsch, A Wise Latina by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
Cuento: My father, Marcelino R. Bautista, my Hero by Mercy Bautista-Olvera
NPS to Establish New National Historical Park to Honor César Chávez
Three-Fourths of Hispanic Say Their Community Needs a Leader
Latina Champions in Congress, Latina Style Magazine
Highlighting Hispanic Contributions to America by Lino Garcia, Jr. Ph.D.
The Twenty-Seventh Annual NCLR Capital Awards, March 4, 2014
July 19-22: National Council of La Raza 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles
Houston Civil Rights Icon, Leonel Castillo, Dies at 74 (1939-2013)
Jesús "Tato" Laviera, legendary nuyorican poetic giant, dies at 63
Jose Montoya's Sacred Release
Ray Suarez's shocking departure from PBS
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew by Ben Stein
Can students be barred from wearing patriotic clothes?
US Army defines Christian ministry as 'domestic hate group'
Strangers in a strange land by Devon G. Peña
Next Steps for the American Latino Museum
Federalist Paper #46, by James Madison: How to Take Action Against Your Government
How the Spanish Deaf Taught Others to Express Themselves by Mariana Correa
Programs of the Odyssey Projects
Feria Cardenas/ Feria Educativa Draws 130,000 in Attendance
How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
The joy of dance around the world
Latinopia Art Aztlan Art Show
Amalia Mendoza Y Jose Alfredo Jimenez - desolacion
Cielito Lindo
Newspaper Tree . . a Conversation with Juan Sandoval
SURNAMES: Moctezuma's Descendants
Mexico DNA Project, the Sephardic Connection, by Gary Felix
Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe by Michael Balter
Wobblies in San Pedro by Arthur A. Almeida
Latino Print Network
Cinco Puntos Press, Celebrating 25 years of great books for Children
Authors on the Airwaves: Victor Villaseñor
Latina Style Magazine, Our Past, Our Present
The Roots of Latino Urban Agency, Edited by Sharon A. Navarro & Rodolfo Rosales
The Scalpel and the Silver Bear by Dr. Lori Alvord
Website focuses on Latinos in the U.S. military
Wikipedia editor profile: "Tony the Marine" Santiago
HIstory: Marines Look Back Across the Generations
WW II Hero: Eugene Arnold Obregon
Exile is not a Fitting Reward for Veterans by Wanda Garcia
Cuento: Christmas 1966, Vietnam by Joe Sanchez
Profile in Courage: An Interview with Medal of Honor Recipient Alfred Rascon
Medal of Honor Recipient Alfred Rascon & Rick Leal, the Hero Project
Veteran Artist Program, by Leroy Martinez
Texas A&M-San Antonio Chapter of the Texas Connection to the American Revolution Assn
25th annual Juan N. Seguin celebration in Seguin, Texas Seguin-Guadalupe County Coliseum
The 200th Anniversary of the "Battle of Medina"
November 2013 Newsletter of the Houston Chapter of the Granaderos Y Damas De GalvezFAMILY HISTORY
MyHeritage and FamilySearch enter significant strategic partnership
Early Hollywood Drawn to Orange County by Fermin Leal
Report of SHHAR November 9th meeting on Organizing Photos
Los Alamitos Lawman, Juan Orozco gunned Down and Forgotten, Phil Brigandi
Extract from: A library of many moments by Fermin Leal
Extract: Santora arts building changes hands in Santa Ana
Inter-cultural Marriage Discussion Arises from Somos Primos November issue
Cuento: 1937 Christmas in Los Angeles, and the Yale Puppeteers by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: The Mystery and Magic of Christmas 1960, Flintridge, California
Troubled Waters No More: Echo Park Lake Reopens
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
Cuento: The Adventure of Christmas in the Snow by Audrey Mills
Cuento: Christmas for the Homeless in Stockton by Dena Chapa Rupert
Seeking Descendants of delegates to the 1849 Monterey, Galal Kernahan
Cuento: 1959 Christmas in Richland, Washington by Mimi Lozano
Cuento: 1930s Christmas Story in Flagstaff, Arizona by J. V. Martinez
Historical Novel: Part 2: My Days as a Colonist/Soldier with Don Juan de Onate
Cuento: Christmas Memories by Lila Guzman, Ph.D.
Cuento: Lesson I Learned from Mama in the Front Pew by Delia Gonzalez Huffman
Dec 21, 2013: Christmas in Old St. Augustine
Florida Living History, Inc.
Roger Baudier's The Catholic Church in Louisiana
Laughing at Dead, Omaha, Nebraska
Cuento: 1920s, Christmas in Old South Texas, by José Antonio López
Cuento: 1940s, Robstown, Texas Christmas, by Viola Rodriguez Sadler
Cuento: 1948, The Americano who would be Santa, by Tomas 'Tom' Saenz
Cuento: 1953, Mrs. Reed's Christmas Tree by José Antonio López
Cuento: 1954, When Santa Came to Visit, by Bernadette Inclan
Cuento: 1990s Christmas, by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Garcia/Longoria families of La Grulla, seeking primos
Texas A&M University-San Antonio has established a TCARA History ChapterMEXICO
Cuento: 1901 Missionary among the Mexican People in the Center of the Republic of Mexico
Cuento: 1949, Traditions of Celebrating Christmas in Mexico by Mercy Bautista Olvera
Cuento: 1966, Posada Crasher by Sylvia Contreras
Our Lady of Guadalupe by Albert V. Vela, Ph.D.
Bautismo: Maria de la Soledad, Josefa, Concepción, Agustina, Fabiana, Sebastiana, Sobre Arias y Velazquez.
Stio y Batalla de Monterrey de 1846
General de Brigada Don José Joaquín de Herrera y Ricardos y de su esposa Doña María Dolores Alzugaray y Terán
Bautismo de Eugenio María Florentino Agustín de Ycaza e Yturbe
Bautismo de José, Maria Trinidad, Ygnacio, Norberto Ortiz Monasterio
Bautismo de Daniel, Jose, Segundo O'Ryan y Payno
Cuento: A Comanche in our Plata Family by Gloria Candelaria
Native community holds ceremony for rare white moose killed by hunters
The Death and the Burial of Little Sister Genoveva, Midwife of the Tapirape People
Texas Mexican Secret Spanish Jews Today By Anne deSola Cardoza
The Jewish Roots of the Nobility of Europe
400th Yartzheit of Luis Carvajal, el mozo, Joseph Lumbroso
Got Proof! Update by Michael Henderson
No More a Slave by Kevin M. Clermont
Juan Latino, the only black scholar of medieval Europe
New Exhibit in the Eyes of Explorers, Diocese of St. Augustine
Manhattan to honor of Puerto Rican artist Rafael Tufiño
Hundreds will protest Islam lovefest history textbook foisted on high school students
Philadelphia 65th Infantry Honor Ceremony
The History of Women in Puerto Rico, Part 2 by Tony Santiago
Denationalizing Dominicans of Haitian Ancestry? Santo Domingo's Anti-Dominican Authorities
Brazilian President Wants To Reserve 20 Percent Of Government Job For Blacks
Boletín de Genealogias Colombíanas
The Death and the Burial of Little Sister Genoveva, Midwife of the Tapirape People
Acciones artista peruano ¿Por Preservación de la Cultura
Municipal Workers Accidentally Stumble Upon Ancient Tomb in Medellin, Colombia
Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) That Hit the Philippines y Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
Cuento: Account of Typhoon Yolanda, by LDS Missionary Elder Justin Call
Doctor Santiago de Vera, llego en Manila en 1584 por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Los Principes viajan a EEUU para estrechar lazos desde una España que avanza
Britos in Spain by Marie Brito
Reenvio correo sobre nuevas digitalizaciones en Tarragona
The 'Real Junta General de Comercio', forerunner of modern Patent Offices
Cuento: A Memorable Christmas Time 1980,Traveling in Egypt and Israel,
by Jose M. Pena
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