I have posted "Families of General Teran, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume Two (1815-1819)"
Here is the link if you want to download it.
This book has marriage and family information on the 212 marriage records found for Nuestra Senora de la Soledad parish church in Valle de la Mota for the years of 1815-1819.
The focus in this second volume is on the descendants of the brides, unlike volume one which focused on the grooms.
If you would rather have a hard copy, Larry Kirkpatrick of Los Bexarenos should be able to give you a quote. Email him at elindio2@hotmail.com
This email is being sent to everyone in my genealogy address book. Let me know if you are not interested and I will delete your address.
Happy Holidays,
Crispin Rendon
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