miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

[Genealogia SLP] 2038 RootsMagic News (January 2013)

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RootsMagic News (January 2013)
RootsMagic News

Copyright © 2002-12 RootsMagic, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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see links on right.

  • Free RootsMagic Viewer App for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
  • Free Webinar Recordings for Our Newest Products
  • User Groups Around the World
  • Upcoming Events


Free RootsMagic Viewer App for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

We have been amazed at the popularity of our new free RootsMagic viewer app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


Your Family Tree at Your Fingertips

Now you can easily take and show off your family history with you wherever you go.  RootsMagic lets you carry your genealogy on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch!  It's fast, easy, and free!

We're very excited to bring RootsMagic right to your iPhone and iPad.  Not only is this one of the most-requested features from our users, but it is the perfect next step in our mission to simplify family history.  The app provides many useful features including:

  • Access your actual RootsMagic files via iTunes or Dropbox - RootsMagic for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch uses your actual RootsMagic files- no conversion needed. You can copy as many files as you want right on your device via iTunes or Dropbox. Users of other genealogy software such as PAF, Family Tree Maker, Legacy Family Tree, and others can convert their files into viewable RootsMagic files using our free desktop software.
  • Easily search and explore your family tree - Familiar Pedigree, Family, Descendant, and Individual Views help you quickly explore your family tree. You can also search for specific people by name or record number.
  • View pictures, notes, and sources - All of your RootsMagic data is available inside the app. Touch any name to see more information about that person as well as family members. All of a person's information is there including notes, sources, and pictures.
  • Lists - Browse lists of your information and view more information about sources, to-do items, research logs, media, addresses, repositories, correspondences, and places.
  • Tools and Calculators - useful tools to assist you in your research including a perpetual calendar, date calculator, relationship calculator, and soundex calculator.

New Features and Platforms to Come

We see this as our first step into the mobile world and we're interested in seeing how people use this app and evolving it to meet their needs.

Available Now

RootsMagic for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch is free and now available in the Apple App Store.

It does require the RootsMagic desktop family tree software or the free RootsMagic Essentials software to create, edit, or add to your genealogy files. More information is available at:



Android Coming Soon

And before we get swamped with e-mails accusing us of neglecting owners of Android devices, rest assured that we are working on a version of the app for Android devices as well.


Free Webinar Recordings for Our Newest Products

We now have free webinar recordings covering our two newest products: RootsMagic 6 and our free RootsMagic Viewer for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.  These free webinars show what's new in each of these products, and are available to watch or download for free at:


What's New in RootsMagic 6 (webinar #41)

This free webinar shows these new features (and more) in action:

  • Online Publishing - Share your family online on our free My RootsMagic site.  Easily create a website  including notes, sources, and pictures.  Choose which information to include, then publish it for free to your own page at my.RootsMagic.com.  See a sample website at:http://my.rootsmagic.com/sample
  • Find Everywhere - With a single search you can now find every  record in your file containing the text you want.  Quickly find people, families, notes, sources, places, to-do items, research logs, and more.  Then edit those found records directly from the search results.
  • Live Timeline View - A live-edit panel on RootsMagic's timeline view makes this one of the most powerful editing features ever!  Make corrections to your data while viewing it in context with other family members life events.
  • WebTags - Link people, sources, places, and more to websites using RootsMagic 6's new WebTags.
  • CountyCheck Explorer - Look up a county, state, or country from a multi-national database.  It can even show you online maps of county boundaries for that date.

RootsMagic for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (webinar #42)

Learn how easy it is to carry your data with you on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.  For details about our free app, visit us at:


The free webinar can be found on our normal webinar page, but can also be found at:


where you will also find some smaller videos on how to get your family tree onto your iOS device.

User Groups Around the World

There are RootsMagic user groups all over the world, and several more start up every month.  Users are looking to start up user groups in Australia, Bermuda, Canada, England, Germany, Mexico, Panama, and South Africa.

To find out if there is a user group in your part of the world, or if you would like to help start a user group in your area, visit:


Upcoming Events

Here's a list of the places RootsMagic will be exhibiting, teaching classes or doing workshops.

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(desde mi Blackberry )
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar

Email: samuelsanchez@genealogia.org.mx
Website:  http://www.Genealogia.org.mx
Office (81) 8393 0011         Cellphone 811+513+8354  Skype: Genealogia.org.mx

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"
Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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